About Us

Our Motto

In search of excellence, we do church on purpose.

Our Mission

We deliberately engage in matching people with Christ and bringing them to membership in His family, developing them to Christ like Maturity, and equipping them for ministry in life, in the church and in the world, so that God’s Name may be magnified.

Statement of Values

  1. We value a commitment to relevant Bible Exposition. (Discipleship)We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, the authoritative and trustworthy rule of faith and practice for Christians. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21)
  2.  We value a commitment to prayer.We believe that God desires his people to pray and that He hears and answers prayer. (Matthew 7:7-11; James 5:13-18)
  3. We value a commitment to lay ministry. We believe that the primary responsibility of the pastor and teachers in the local church is to “prepare God’s people for works of service.”(Ephesians 4:12)
  4. We value a commitment to worship.Weekly we gather to celebrate God’s goodness, and to be exposed to the Word of God.  Our worship services provide ministry to believers and an open door to visitors and non-Christians in the community. (John 4:24)
  5. We value a commitment to fellowship.We are committed to cultivating deep, abiding relationships within the body of Christ, stimulating spiritual growth. (Romans 12:5)
  6. We value a commitment to excellence. We believe that the God of our salvation deserves the best we have to offer.  The Lord himself is a God of excellence, as shown by the beauty of creation; further, He gave the best that He had, his only Son, for us.(Romans 8:32)
  7. We value a commitment to growth.(Evangelism)We believe that God desires for us to reach as many people as possible with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
  8. We value a commitment to give. We believe God demonstrated His concept of giving when he gave his only begotten Son. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
  9. We value a commitment to serve.We believe that Jesus came to serve rather than to be served. “David served God’s purpose in his own generation. (Acts 13:36)
  10. We value our children and youth. We believe that children are our future, therefore we will endeavor to reach and have appropriate ministry for this age group. (Matthew 19:14)

Statement of Faith

What We Believe:
  1. God: God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe.  He has eternally existed in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  These three are co-equal and are one God. Gen 1:1, Deut 6:4; 26,27; 3:22; Psalm 90:2; Matt 28:19; I Peter 1:2; II Corinthians 13:14
  2. Mankind: We were originally created in the image and after the likeness of God, and that we fell through sin, as a consequence of sin, lost our spiritual life, becoming dead in trespasses and sins, and subject to the power of the devil.  Gen 1:27; 6:5;  Psalm 8:3-6; Isa 53:6a; Rom 3:23; Isa 59:1,2, Jeremiah  17:9; John 3:6; 6:35
  3. Eternity: We all were created to exist forever.  We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men. The saved to eternal life, and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting punishment. The place of eternal separation from God is called hell.  Heaven is the place of eternal union and eternal life with God. John 3:16; Romans 6:23; Revelation 20:15 (Hell); Matthew 25:41; Revelation 21:27 (Heaven)
  4. Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  He is co-equal with the Father.  Matt 1:22,23; Isa 9:6; John 1:1-5; John 14:10-30; Heb 4:14,15; I Corinthians 15:3,4; Rom 1:3,4; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Tim 6:14,15; Titus 2:13
  5. Salvation: Salvation is a gift from God to mankind.  Rom 6:23; Eph 2:8,9; John 3:16; 14:6; John 1:12; Titus 3;5; Gal 3:26; Rom 1:18; 5:1; 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-6
  6. Eternal Security: Because God gives us eternal life through Jesus Christ, the believer is secure in the salvation for eternity.  John 10:29; II Tim 1:12; Heb 7:25; 10:10, 14; I Peter 1:3-5; I John 5:11-13
  7. Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God.  He is present in the world to make mankind aware of our need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of Salvation.  II Corinthians 3:17; John 16:7-13; John 14:16, 17; Acts 1:8; I Corinthians 2:12; I Corinthians 3:16; Eph 1:13; Gal 5:25; Eph 5:1
  8. Bible: The Bible is God’s word to mankind. II Tim 3; 16; II Peter 1:20, 21; II Tim 1:13; Psalm 119:105, 160; 12:6, Rev 22:12
  9. Church: The Church is composed of all believers who by the Holy Spirit have been baptized into the body of Christ since Pentecost.  Matt 16:18; Acts 2:41; I Corinthians 12:12-13; Matt 28:19; I Corinthians 11:26
  10. Sanctification: Sanctification is twofold, positional and practical.   First positional, since the believer is in Christ, he is a partaker of Christ’s sanctification.  Secondly, practical, the believer is responsible for his practical sanctification (daily walk), he is to “grow in grace” and become like Christ. Rom 5:1-5; II Corinthians 3:18; Eph 4:24;5:5-27
  11. Ministry and Spiritual Gifts: God has sovereignly bestowed Spiritual Gifts on all believers and that these gifts make room for the believer.  I Corinthians 13:4-11; I Corinthians 14:27-33; Romans 12:3-8; Ephesians 4:7-12; 1 Pet 4:10

The EBBC Way

As a member of EBBC, I commit to lead a purpose-driven life by:
* Experiencing more of the power and presence of God daily; for God inhabits the praise of His saints.
* Faithfully attending my small group and worship services.
* Surrendering every area of my life to God, to please him.

* Growing in my ability to share and show my love to others.
* Sharing my real needs for prayer and support with others.
* Resolving conflict constructively, willing to forgive quickly.

* Spending time with God regularly through spiritual habits.
* Experiencing more of the character of Jesus Christ.
* Spending time with someone who encourages my growth.

* Discovering and developing my God-given SHAPE.
* Serving once a month or more in ministry in the church.
* Praying regularly for God to show me opportunities to serve.

* Cultivating relationships with non-christians.
* Inviting unsaved and unconnected people to church.
* Sharing my faith with those who need to know Christ.