Elder Arthur Young

Evangelism Ministry Leader

In search of excellence, we do church on purpose!

Our Mission

We deliberately engage in matching people with Christ and bringing them into membership in His family, developing them to Christ-like maturity, and equipping them to ministry in life, in the church, and in the world, so that God’s name may be magnified.

Our Vision

Move all people to membership

Move all members to maturity

Move all mature members to ministry

Evangelism Mission

To encourage EBBC members to participate in all that EBBC offers. To grow EBBC’s New Members into Mature Members. This will include an explanation of classes offered, with dates and times. To encourage all new members to attend Morning Worship Service.

Membership in God’s family, with includes being a part of East Bay Bible Church, is important! It brings with it great privileges. We are part of a church that was planned by God, in continually provided for by God, and purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ. It also brings with it great opportunities for personal growth and spiritual development. Lastly, but surely not least, it brings with it obligations. Our membership in God’s family should be more important to us than our membership to any and all other organizations. We are our brother’s keeper.

Becoming a Part of this Ministry

  1. Be a member of East Bay Bible Church.
  2. Complete the New Members Class.
  3. Have or be willing to be taught good telephone skills.
  4. Have a desire to encourage other members to learn what you have received from the EBBC classes that you have attended.
  5. Be able to meet on a monthly basis.
  6. Be willing to work with others.
  7. Computer and filling skills desired

Why is this ministry important?

  • The main goal/focus is to “close the back door” at EBBC
  • It consistently reminds EBBC’s members that THEY are important
  • It makes unobtrusive telephone calls to members who are absent on a weekly basis
  • It reminds members of upcoming seminars, i.e., Discipleship, Marriage, etc.
  • It moves inactive members to the active roster.
  • It encourages members to attend Sunday School, Sunday morning worship, Wednesday night or Thursday morning bible class.

Goals and Responsibilities

  • Encourage church members to get involved in evangelism
  • To train all church members in evangelism
  • To plan evangelistic events
  • Appraise all new evangelistic programs