We Do Marriage On Purpose
Elder Keith Bullard & Deaconess Lynee Bullard Ministry Leaders
In search of excellence, we do church on purpose!
Our Mission
We deliberately engage in matching people with Christ and bringing them into membership in His family, developing them to Christ-like maturity, and equipping them to ministry in life, in the church, and in the world, so that God’s name may be magnified.
Our Vision
Move all people to membership
Move all members to maturity
Move all mature members to ministry
To provide a source of fellowship that will edify married couples and encourage them to ministry and worship so that other married couples may be attracted.
The foundation of marriage began when God created a companion for Adam.
In search of excellence, we do marriage on Purpose!
We meet every 2nd Sunday after 10:30am Worship Service
To become a part of this Ministry
- Be a married couple.
- Have a desire to place God in your marriage.
- Have a desire to assist others in their walk with God and in marriage.
- Have a desire to get to know how God intends for marriage to work, and be an example.
- Complete New Members Class.
Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”
~ Genesis 2:22-23
And the two shall become one!
Marriage Should
Because it is a:
- Covenant
- Commandment
- Contract
- Commitment
- Build Strong Godly Marriages
- Understand the Purpose of Marriage
- Be Examples of Christian Love
- To “Close the Door” to Divorce
- To Encourage a Closer Walk with God
- To Do Marriage on Purpose
- To Reflect God’s covenant and show marriage is not our of style.